NPC Information System
NPC IS was established within the implementation of the national project "Support the establishment and development of the National Business Center in Slovakia – I. stage".
About NPC
National Project of Slovak Scientific and Technical Information Centre in Bratislava and Slovak Business Agency
Operational Programme: Research and Development
Project co-funded by: European Regional Development Fund
Non-refundable financial contribution: 8 491 162.43 EUR
Implementation period: May 2014 - December 2015
ITMS code: 26240220092
The strategic objective of the project is to create a National Business center (NPC) as the interface between the private / business sector, R&D and academia that will meet the needs of businesses in terms of enhancing their competitiveness and innovation performance and also to enable application of scientific and research information on the market through the business sector as well as in social practice.
The task of the center is to underpin and develop the potential of future and starting entrepreneurs in the seed and start-up stage, prospectively to attract foreign companies, especially technological and innovative, and to build a professional and specialized capacities for provision of a broad portfolio of high-quality support services for potential, starting and existing small and medium-sized enterprises from different economic sectors, including innovative businesses.
Objectives of the project
- Intensifying cooperation in the area of R&D between academia and economic practice and increasing the innovation activities of technology-based companies.
- Establishment a NPC in Bratislava in order to ensure complex support for SMEs, including the systematic support of R&D potential transfer to the business sector.
More information on the project can be found on the website:
About project partners
| Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical InformationThe SCSTI is the national information centre for science, technology, innovation and education and specialized scientific library of the Slovak Republic. The mission of the organization is to promote the development of Slovak science, research and innovation at national and international level. The SCSTI operates information systems and support structures for the research and development. It provides library and information services, promotes science and technology, provides unique services for technology transfer and patent information. Contact: |
| Slovak Business AgencySlovak Business Agency is crucial, and is the oldest specialized organization for the support of small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovak republic. It was founded in 1993 as a National Agency for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises, by a common initiative of the EU and the Government of the Slovak Republic. It is synonymous for a unique partnership between the public and private sectors. Contact: |